App support and FAQs

Please read through our FAQs first, and if you still need support, please contact us at


I’m not a health professional, is the app suitable for me?

Yes, The Food Medic app is suitable for anyone interested in improving their health and fitness and/or gaining expert insight into popular health topics.

Can I cancel my membership anytime?

Yes, if you have a monthly membership you can cancel anytime and will not be charged for the following month. For an annual membership, you can cancel at any time, but your membership will continue until the end of your current billing period. You won't be charged for the following year.

I’m a beginner to strength training, are the training programmes suitable for me?

The Food Medic training programme is designed for those who are new to strength training and have no idea where to start, o those with an intermediate or high level of experience, who are looking for more structure to their training.

Do I need a gym to use the training programmes?

Our hero gym programme is gym-based but we have a home workout programme for those who do not have access to the gym or are travelling.

I’m a vegetarian/vegan, are the recipes suitable for me?

Yes, most of our recipes are vegetarian, vegan, or adaptable.